The BCOUNT Command

BCOUNT is a very simple and quick command for extracting information from your drawing, namely, a count of the number of blocks in your drawing, categorised by their type.
It's really simple to use - just enter BCOUNT in the command line and make a selection. The command line will then report to you the total number of blocks selected, followed by a list of the block types, and how many of each type were selected.
This can be a really useful way to get a quick overview of what's going on in your drawing. If you've inserted a load of markers for certain things on a location plan for example, and you know the total number of each type that you should have added, this is a great way to double check your work. But do be careful though, because dynamic blocks can sometimes be missed if you have used any of the dynamic options.
That's it for today,
rajkumar sharma
2013-12-27 02:54:51
i want receive all auto cade command . pl.povide
2016-03-27 22:19:46
i like this command so much and it has helped me in plenty of my drawings, there is also a command that does more or less the same thing though in a broader sense, its the command QSE or qselect as you will find it in autocad, makes work a hell lot easier.
Thank you for your articles Will, they have helped me get along through the years.