Funny Text

This probably sounds like I'm going to start talking about the latest joke book, but that's not what I mean by Funny Text...... I'm talking about subscript, superscript and special characters.
The two ways I usually use are - Alt Codes and using the stack options in the MText editor.
Alt Codes
- Go to Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Character Map
- Have a look around for the symbol you want, and select it.
- In the bottom right you'll see something like Alt+0178.
- Go back to where you want to insert the symbol and hold down the Alt key and type 0178. This will insert the special character.
- If you want to have superscript, write what you want to appear as superscript followed by the ^ character, then followed by as many spaces as the number of characters you want to be superscript. In the example below I only want one character to be superscript (²), so I have included a single space after the ^ character.
- Select the text, including the trailing spaces (as below), and click the stack button circled in red.
For subscript, the text and spaces should be the other way around - so in this example, to create a subscript 2, you would use the text " ^2". You can also have a combination of both subscript and superscript, but using text instead of spaces on the opposite site. You can exchange the ^ character for the / character, and this will include a line between the subscript and superscript to signify a fraction.
I hope this helps!
Imran Hafeez
2011-06-09 07:43:14
Thanks a lot
William Pinson
2016-09-01 15:37:03
Sir, you are a life saver! (Or at least a time and work saver, for sure!)
Many thanks for the tip.
William Pinson Sr. EE NOV Cedar Park